My online journal for chronicling thoughts, spiritual musings, online tools I find, websites of interest, research I conduct and what ever else I need to keep track of.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Patriarchal Extremism

Great article at:

Discusses the extreme and often unbiblical views that some homeschool, anti-feminist believers have regarding the role of the woman. While a believer in hierarchical order in the home, this article and the ensuing discussion in the comments, sheds light on an area that I largely was unaware of.

Great food for thought.

The Great Commission?

I've had a sneaking suspicion that the Body's attempts at fulfilling the Great Commission has turned into more of a 'work of the flesh' than a true expression of the river of life flowing from us. Seems others think so as well. Here is an excerpt from a blog post at SearchingTogether:

Would the eternal purpose of God in Christ to secure and maintain a Bride for the Son – a purpose in which the Lord works everything out according to the counsel of his will – be left in the hands of frail human beings and adverse circumstances (Ephesians 1:11; 3:11)? Absolutely not! If Father intends to reveal Christ to a person, he will oversee all of the circumstances. If someone fails to speak when they should, or if a car breaks down in the middle of the road – the Lord will find other means to accomplish his plans.

Our life is not about “making disciples,” “multiplying churches,” or “completing the Great Commission in our generation.” Our life is Christ. The Lord’s word to us is – as branches are organically joined to the vine, so “abide/remain in me and you will bear fruit.” To lift up any goals, or means to such goals, is a sure snare. Of course, Paul traveled around and endured many hardships for the Gospel’s sake. But his passion in life was not to be a “soul-winner,” to see a church planted in every city, or to envision millions of house churches covering the earth. He summed up his life’s passion with clarity: “for me to live is Christ . . . . the love of Christ compels me . . . . that I might know him and the fellowship of his sufferings.”

If Jesus is the Alpha and Omega – the A to Z – then what else is there to pursue? Can we be satisfied with Jesus Christ, or must we descend to programs and/or strategies to “win the world”? — Jon Zens, December, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Cleans and Purify Thyself

Interesting website that discusses the book of this title and lots of info on conducting cleanses, mucoid plaque, food combining etc.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The People's Chemist

A chemist gives his educated understanding of how to maintain a healthy body.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How much testosterone?

According to this article at

"Testosterone for Life defines low testosterone as free testosterone blood levels below 15 pg/mL. We at Life Extension suggest that aging men maintain their free testosterone at a level of 20-25 pg/mL to more closely resemble that of a healthy 21-year-old."

Laboratory education

A great resource that talks about how to separate tissues(blood) for analysis and other great laboratory, bioscience info.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nutrition Training Schools

Nutritional Therapy Cetification

Lawrence Wilson, Md offers a training program called Advanced Training And Coaching in Nutritional Balancing Science. There is a basic and advanced session.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Health Journal

One man's health journal


I'm really loving the ozonated olive oil. I'm hoping to make it myself.
Here is the unit I'm considering:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dental Self Sufficiency

A website and blog I came across that recommends a system of cavity prevention.

This author uses actual 'commercial' products instead of natural items (other than Xylitol that is) but still very interesting

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Homemade Organic Soaps

A company that makes soaps that I'd like to try - both body and hair soaps. (also lotions and other natural products)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Energy Devices/Scanners of the Bodies Electrical Fields

A multitude of different body scanners that practitioners might use to scan the biofield, meridian points, view the energy emissions (kirlian), etc.

Create a RSS widget

Neat free tool (also can purchase a premium tool for about 36.00 a year) that
will create a widget to put videos in.

Biomeridian Scanning

A holistic center in Kansas that does Biomeridian Scanning:

Zyto Analysis

A company in Kansas that offers zyto testing.

Also offers colonics, iridology and other alternative health modalities.

Natural products store

Another site that sells tooth concoctions as well as natural deodorants - expensive - real chocolate, natural perfumes etc.

Wild Oregeno, Wild Chagga

A site that sells wild crafted oregeno and chagga

Stomach Acid

..."These problems begin when you can't make enough stomach acid. Making stomach acid requires iodine, zinc, and vitamin B1 as well as water, salt, and CO2. Almost everyone is deficient in iodine and about 80% of the population is deficient in zinc. Many are deficient in the B vitamins. Thus we have another reason for so many to be depressed and tired from reacting to their foods and obese as well."

An excerpt from a larger article at

He also has created a Biomodulator which will measure the electronic photon/ph level of various organs/parts of the body to see where sickness lies. Sounds similar to Dr. Marshall's biofield measurements he takes from the Zyto machine.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A holistic health site that features a tooth supplemnet

and probiotics

Also has good info on marine plankton.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wild Grown Health Site

Dr. Cass Ingram's site with videos and audios on natural herbs and their health benefits.

His online store which contains wild food, raw food and whole food supplements:

Friday, July 29, 2011

Some favorite online tools

Free: - blogging platform - blogging platform
dropbox - file storage
amazon cloud drive - file storage
stockexchange( - free stock images
freeconferencecall - conference calls
joinme - screen share - online screen cast tool - nothing to download - have to register in order to get access to your screencast - turn your blog into an ebook or pdf; compatible with kindle - make free surveys

Article that lists free image sites:

The site where you can manage the snail mail mailing lists you are on:

Charge: - images (they do have 1 free image once a week)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nutrition Calculators

Prevention has a comprehensive nutrition calculator based on the Human Nutrition Research Center's database located at:

There is a Glycemic Index calculator at:

A recipe, nutrition counter site:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Holistic Sites

A great page on this site that offers a list of other alternative medical sites that have a "find a practitioner" page on them.

American Holistic Medical Association

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shopping Cart Comparison

SellRex offers a comparison chart of shopping carts.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

National Institute of Health

searchable databse of foods, conditions, therapies, etc.

USDA nutrient database

check the nutritional statistics of food

Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database

A great resource for detailed information on natural supplements, health conditions, chemical interactions etc. Yearly subscription for individuals is 49.00/9.00 monthly.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Interesting site about bioacoustic profiling as a way to discern root causes of illness.

Hair Analysis

A laboratory that does hair analysis. Connected to PNC- Personal Nutrition Consultants which Greg Tefft runs.

online learning sites

a list of different online sites where you can learn virtually anything

Monday, July 11, 2011

Alzheimers nutritional help

Very interesting website and blog regarding one family's experience with the nutritional benefits provided by coconut oil.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Neat Recorder

Neat audio recorder than can be scheduled to record when you want. Can then change the .wav to an mp3 file.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Reading Online for Homeschool

Great site called that has a variety of history books
to read online.

Reading Online for Homeschool

Great site called that has a variety of history books
to read online.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Cool tool

Onebox offers 800 numbers, local area code numbers, voice to text transcription, audio/video conferencing all on their cheapest $20 a month plan. Higher priced plans are available.

Integrative Medical Specialist - Naturopathic Doctor

A primary care doctor that uses Premier Research nutrients produced by Dr. Bob Marsall

Integrative Medical Specialist

Thursday, June 23, 2011

More from NineTwoFive

Here are two more jewelry items from
Marcasite earrings.

And here is the other; a marcasite pendant

marcasite maker

Here is a link to a company overseas that offers marcasite pieces


Marcasite Necklace

Is this not a pretty necklace? I love that the whole chain is made of marcasites - so pretty!

NineTwoFive a wholesaler from Thailand(?)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Audio Seminar on Women's Hormones

Presented by Cracking the Midlife Code, here is a presentation on bio identical hormones. The featured speaker is Lindsey Berkson who has specialized in women's issues for a number of years. Her website is

Listen to part 1 of Bio identical hormones

Listen to part 2 of Bioidentical hormones

Listen to part 3 of BioIdentical Hormones

Listen to part 4 of 4 of bio-identical hormones

Whole Food Vitamins

A new site I found that offers Whole Food Vitamins and supplements. Previously I used Dr. Marshall's Premier Research nutrients but I would like to try this company's vitamin's as well.

I would also like to try the whole food supplements that Mercola offers and that Chapter One offers.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Where to purchase Air and Water Ozonators

This company sells something calls an Aranizer. There are several differnt models and their are both air and water ozonators.
You can also become a distributor.

Clinics in US that use Ozone Therapy

Here is the link to locations in US that do Ozone Therapy as well as Hydrogen Peroxide therapy:

From this page I found a clinic in Jemks, Oklahoma called New Hope Health Clinic that not only works with it patients in oxygen/hydrogen peroxide treatments (as well as other holistic modalities), they also seel ozone air purifiers.

Here is the link for that clinic and the page on why to add ozone to the air we breathe:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

4 Nutrients Women Need

Here is a copy of an article from Al Sears regarding important nutrients that a woman's body needs (from

Most of the “advice” I see on Dr. Oz and Oprah, in Women’s Health and in the New York Times Magazine on Sunday seem to center on the same things.

These reports I’ve been seeing lately give women advice like suggesting you eat fake, processed “health” foods like flaxseed. But they’re unnatural to your body. People used to wear flax, not eat it.

And animal studies have found that overdose of flaxseed may cause shortness of breath, rapid breathing, weakness or difficulty walking, and may cause seizures or paralysis.1

Too many articles I’ve read also recommend you load up on more calcium that you could ever want or use. Meanwhile, studies show too much calcium puts you at a 31 percent greater risk for heart attack.2

And did you see the report on women’s heart health from the director of the Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory at Tufts University? It’s one of the most prestigious research universities in the country. And here she is, concluding that women should eat whole grains instead of vegetables.

Today I’m going to show you some real ways to stay healthy. Forget junk foods like soy, flax and whole grains. Here are four things you can use to avoid disease and help you stay happy and strong for life.

1) Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The Nurses’ Health Study followed more than 76,000 women over a period of 16 years. It found that women who got the most ALA – an omega-3 fatty acid – each day had a 21 percent reduced risk of heart disease and a 46 percent lower risk of suffering sudden cardiac death.3
Another study followed over 4,500 people and found that for women who took in the most ALA, the odds of getting heart disease were reduced by over 50 percent!4

Have you heard the story of how I discovered the richest source of ALA on earth? It happened by accident…

I had gone to the Amazon jungles of South America in search of healing herbs. There, I met up with Dr. Octavio Zolezzi from Lima University who insisted he show me an incredible healing plant in its native state.

We made our way down from the Andes mountain range, driving for hours on the world’s highest paved road. As we hit the jungle floor we zigged and zagged over winding dirt roads until we reached the village of Satipo. It sits on the banks of the Rio PerenĂ©, which opens into the Amazon.

From there we had to travel by boat to reach Porta Copa, the last jungle outpost and home of the native Ashanikas. But we weren’t there yet.

Dr. Zolezzi took me even deeper into the jungle. As we walked, I was trying to get used to the odd chirping, trilling and buzzing of the rainforest when Dr. Zolezzi called out, “Here it is!”

He was standing next to a bushy, plant that was completely unremarkable… except for its green, star-shaped fruit. He cracked one open and put the seeds in my hand. Instead of an herb, I had found something else: Sacha Inchi – the “super food” that powered the ancient Inca Empire.

The oil from each nut is 48 percent ALA, the most of any known plant. Butternuts have 16 percent and English walnuts have 13.1 percent alpha-linolenic acid. Several seeds are loaded with ALA. They are Perilla, chia, cowberry and sea buckthorn seeds. Cod liver oil is also packed with ALA.

The benefits of ALA start at around 1.5 grams a day, but I recommend you get from 3 to 6 grams of omega-3s per day.

2) Magnesium. Most women don’t get enough of this important mineral. If you’re deficient you could be experiencing anxiety, depression, fatigue, headaches or muscle cramps. Low levels can also contribute to serious problems like diabetes and sudden death from heart attack.

In another finding from the Nurses’ Health Study, a review just completed last month found that women with the highest dietary intake of magnesium were 41 percent less likely to suffer a fatal cardiac event.5

Another study showed that magnesium improves insulin sensitivity, helping protect against diabetes.6 Plus it can ease stress and help your bones use calcium more efficiently. You need at least 400 mg of magnesium every day.

3) Testosterone. The idea that testosterone has no place in a woman’s life is not only wrong, it’s dangerous. When your levels drop, you’ll feel it. You lose motivation, have heavy fatigue, and little to no interest in the things that usually make you happy, including sex.
I’ve discovered compelling studies that support what I’ve known for years: Testosterone is critical for women, especially for staying fit, lean, and sexually active. Also, testosterone – NOT calcium – is your #1 bone builder.

That’s because bone building is hormonal. In women, estrogens are the main regulators of bone health and breakdown. Progesterone controls the rate of new bone deposition. But testosterone is central for bone mass and strength.

I have great success with low-dose natural testosterone in women. The herb I recommend to boost testosterone is called tribulus terrestris. It’s effective for women because it helps restore natural testosterone levels.

You see, if you take a testosterone precursor without doctor’s supervision, you could force your body to make more testosterone than you need. Tribulus works differently. It increases luteinizing hormone (LH). LH is your body’s natural way of “telling” itself to produce testosterone.

A dose of 500 mg of tribulus every day will help restore your natural testosterone you so can stay sensual, energetic and motivated.

4) Methionine. This amino acid is especially important for women because it:

• improves the tone and pliability of your skin
• conditions your hair
• strengthens your nails
• detoxifies your tissues
• helps break down fat
• builds choline, which improves your focus and energy
• turns into the nutrient SAMe, which fights depression.
It’s an essential amino acid, which means you can’t make it in your body. You have to get it from food.

Most fruits and vegetables contain very little. A few – broccoli, mushrooms, cauliflower, avocados, and bean sprouts – have less than 100 mg per serving.

Eggs are a good source of methionine, with around 128 mg in each one. Sesame seeds and Brazil nuts have lots of methionine, too. But meat has the most. Beef, tuna, turkey and free-range elk all have over 500 mg in every 3 ounces.

You should get at least 1 to 3 grams of methionine each day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Great devotional/article I found at New Living Translation by Scott Lyons.

Here is a portion

"...One of the arguments against the necessity of fasting—resistance even to calling it a necessity—is the propensity we have to reserve the word necessity for those things we believe bring us to salvation. And I understand this resistance. But to spend our lives paring down the essentials of our faith is to miss the forest for the trees.

Now it may have its purposes in some discussions. But our faith is fat and full, not undernourished. The necessity of fasting is also not about searching out ways we can save ourselves—only Christ can merit our salvation, only his work on the cross. But fasting fights the passions so that we might receive the fruit of our salvation. Fasting is necessary for our salvation in the sense of our becoming saved, our sanctification, our becoming like God—necessary only after understanding ourselves as within the body. It is necessary so that I might love my wife and my children as I ought, my neighbor, and even my enemy.

It is hard not to belabor the point, but many misconceptions rise up at this point in the conversation, so much so that we abandon the good way that Christ has shown us all because he did not sit down and write up a to-do list for us: "In your arguments, here are the things that are important." But it is he who is important, and sharing in his life. Some of us would rather follow the to-do list. Some of us would consider it a trade-up to abandon the Spirit for the tutelage of the law. Some days, I would.

Meanwhile, as I work on this article on the spiritual discipline of fasting, I am constantly being interrupted by my slew of children. One asks me to show him Young Justice action figures on the computer, one wants me to play Mario Kart, another wants to show me some beautiful thing she has made, and others whine for this and that. Some just want to climb on me, or want me to hold them. My frustration grows, and I burn with anger rather than with God's love. That is the unfortunate reality, the daily life in my home, the hell in my heart. I am a sinner who needs to die that I might live—who needs to fast. And this not simply for myself; I need Life that I might pour him out on these little ones."